Respite Care

Providing relief for caregivers and their loved ones

St. Teresa offers respite care for caregivers seeking high-quality, short-term support for their loved ones.

We welcome guests for a variety of reasons and durations, whether it’s for a long weekend or a couple of weeks. Our minimum stay is only three days, which is well below the requirements of most skilled nursing facilities.

Why Respite Care?

Respite care is a desirable option when caregivers need temporary relief, whether they are traveling for work, going on vacation, undergoing a medical procedure, seeking a break from the demands of life or simply looking for a chance to recharge their batteries. Respite care can also serve as a transition from an extended hospital stay back home and is also a great way for families to see if St. Teresa is a long-term option for their loved ones.

Respite Care: Benefits for Residents

Guests receive individualized care in an engaging and secure living environment. We offer private rooms and a highly trained staff of physicians, nurses and rehabilitation therapists dedicated to accommodating to their needs.

When staying at St. Teresa, you are a part of our family. We provide not only the best care but also a vibrant community that offers you a chance to stay in a more social surrounding. You have access to all the same services and amenities as long-term care residents, no matter how long you stay.

If you or a loved one is exploring long-term care options, this is a wonderful opportunity to try us out and discover whether St. Teresa is the right fit before making a commitment.

Respite Care: Benefits for Caregivers

As the caregiver of a loved one, we understand the physical and emotional demands of your role. We are here to give you a break and allow you to feel secure knowing your loved one will be safe and cared for as you get caught up on the other aspects of your life.

Caregiving is physically and emotionally exhausting. Taking a break will help you refresh and maintain your mental, emotional and physical health, enabling you to continue providing quality care for your loved one at home.

A Unique Environment of Care

The moment you step into our lobby is the moment you become family, part of a community that opens up many new opportunities for you.

Turn to your left and you’ll see our spacious living room, where you’ll take part in entertainment, music, games and special events. To the right is our library, where you can always read or gather for quiet time as needed.

Head down the hallway to your room and you’ll experience the quiet of our quaint community. Your room becomes your home. Your favorite pillow, your furniture, photos of your family, clothing, electronics or personal care items are welcome and encouraged. Besides being spacious, your room comes complete with Wi-Fi, phone and cable television (optional), so you can continually stay connected with loved ones, the world around you or simply enjoy your favorite television program. Visitors – whether family or friends – are always welcome.

There’s an abundance of dining options to meet your needs, whether it’s enjoying delicious cuisine in our Bistro Café, complete with restaurant-style dining, or our more informal dining room within steps of your room. You may also have food delivered to your room at any time.

If you want outdoor time to reflect, catch some fresh air or spend time with family, our enclosed courtyard is perfect. If gardening is your hobby, we have spot for you there, in addition to our small indoor greenhouse.

While you receive 24/7 nursing care, we ensure you’re happy, engaged and feel right at home. After all, here at St. Teresa, you’re family.